We only use the highest quality laser technology
- One of our basic principles is to always work at the cutting edge of technology
We have been using the new Schwind ATOS femtosecond laser since 2020. This new laser enables us to offer a new laser eye method: refractive lenticule extraction: SmartSight.
Thanks to these unique properties, the quality and precision of the corneal incision has been improved even further. Several million procedures have already been performed using this modern technology.
During laser eye surgery, we work with the Schwind AMARIS 1050 RS. This premium excimer laser from Schwind is considered one of the most advanced, fastest and most precise lasers on the market. The ultra-fast 7 D eye tracking system compensates for the movements of the eye during the laser process without delay. With the Schwind AMARIS 1050 RS, both wavefront-optimized and personalized treatments are possible.
We are proud to be associated with top quality private medical insurance
Discover our laser eye surgeons in the heart of Zurich