Correct your presbyopia and enjoy a life without glasses and contact lenses

Discover why your reading vision deteriorates with age

Enjoy your newfound clarity of vision and enjoy the finer things in life without worrying about money. The money from your health insurance sometimes reduces the laser eye surgery costs considerably.

Select the option that best suits you to find your optimal treatment method


You are 40 - 55+ and feel old and uncomfortable with reading glasses

Are your eyes struggling to keep up with your lifestyle? Vielleicht haben Sie eine Brille für jede Gelegenheit, aber wenn Sie sie brauchen, ist sie entweder kaputt oder verschwunden?

Discover the best treatment that will free you from the discomfort and hassle of reading glasses


You are over 55 and have weak and blurred vision

If your vision is cloudy or blurry (even with glasses), if colors appear dull or faded, or if you have increasing difficulty seeing at night, it is likely that you have cataracts.

Discover the best treatment to restore your visual acuity (AND eliminate the need for glasses!)


You are 40 - 55+ and feel old and uncomfortable with reading glasses

Are your eyes struggling to keep up with your lifestyle? Vielleicht haben Sie eine Brille für jede Gelegenheit, aber wenn Sie sie brauchen, ist sie entweder kaputt oder verschwunden?

Discover the best treatment that will free you from the discomfort and hassle of reading glasses


You are over 55 and have weak and blurred vision

If your vision is cloudy or blurry (even with glasses), if colors appear dull or faded, or if you have increasing difficulty seeing at night, it is likely that you have cataracts.

Discover the best treatment to restore your visual acuity (AND eliminate the need for glasses!)

Quality of life, freedom & independence: not worth any money in the world

What you invest in laser eye treatment today will benefit you for the rest of your life. The high prices are largely due to the extremely expensive equipment we need to give you a clear view.

However, we want as many people as possible to be able to live without visual impairment and dependence on glasses or contact lenses. We are therefore currently working on being able to offer you attractive financing models(interest-free financing over 6 months or loan installments over 5 years) and support you with the assumption of costs by your health insurance company.

Which laser eye surgery method suits your eyes, your everyday life & your budget?

Make an appointment

3 Schritte zur Freiheit von Brillen & Kontaktlinsen

Renommierter Lasik Chirurg in Person von Dr. Victor Derhartunian FEBO fürs Augenlasern in Zürich gesucht? Jetzt Augen lasern lassen in bei Eyelaser in Zürich: Gewinnen Sie gerade jetzt visuelle Freiheit mit unserer Schweizer Augenlasermethode für aussergewöhnliche Augenlaserchirurgie!

Eyelaser Lens Replacement

Eyelaser kontaktieren

Nicht jeder ist für eine Augenlaseroperation geeignet.

Der erste Schritt ist, herauszufinden, ob Ihre Augen geeignet sind. Rufen Sie uns an oder buchen Sie einen Termin online.

Eyelaser besuchen

Bei einer kostenlosen Erstberatung überprüfen wir Ihre Augen gründlich und nehmen uns die Zeit, auf Ihre Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen einzugehen. Sobald wir die beste Behandlung für Sie gefunden haben, werden Sie sich bei Ihren nächsten Schritten sicher und beruhigt fühlen.

Genießen Sie visuelle Freiheit

Nach der Behandlung in unserer hochmodernen Klinik werden Sie unsere handwerkliche Arbeit bewundern und ein aussergewöhnliches, natürliches Sehvermögen erleben – frei von Brille und Kontaktlinsen.

Eyelaser Lens Replacement

Eyelaser kontaktieren

Nicht jeder ist für eine Augenlaseroperation geeignet.

Der erste Schritt ist, herauszufinden, ob Ihre Augen geeignet sind. Rufen Sie uns an oder buchen Sie einen Termin online.

Eyelaser besuchen

Bei einer kostenlosen Erstberatung überprüfen wir Ihre Augen gründlich und nehmen uns die Zeit, auf Ihre Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen einzugehen. Sobald wir die beste Behandlung für Sie gefunden haben, werden Sie sich bei Ihren nächsten Schritten sicher und beruhigt fühlen.

Genießen Sie visuelle Freiheit

Nach der Behandlung in unserer hochmodernen Klinik werden Sie unsere handwerkliche Arbeit bewundern und ein aussergewöhnliches, natürliches Sehvermögen erleben – frei von Brille und Kontaktlinsen.

Unsure whether your health insurance will cover the laser eye surgery costs?

Step 1: Check basic insurance

Check whether there is a case in which the basic insurance is obliged to pay.

Step 2: Check supplementary insurance

Check whether you have taken out supplementary insurance that offers special benefits for visual defects.

Step 3: Determine the benefits of supplementary insurance

Find out whether and what entitlement you have if you opt for laser eye surgery.

Step 4: Obtain information & commitment

Clarify with your insurance company individually that your laser eye surgery costs will be covered in the contractually agreed amount and find out what you need to do or present to do so.

Step 5: Determine your cost share

Deduct the costs covered by your health insurance from the total costs to determine how much you will have to pay yourself.

Step 6: Process cost assumption

After the laser eye surgery, submit the remaining necessary documents and process the assumption of costs as agreed in step 4. Thanks to your careful preparation, the refund is safe and uncomplicated.

Step 7: Receive money & enjoy the result

Enjoy your newfound clarity of vision and enjoy the finer things in life without worrying about money. The money from your health insurance sometimes reduces the laser eye surgery costs considerably.

Discover which eye treatment is best for you with this 1-minute quiz

Things like age, eye shape, history and lifestyle make an eye treatment perfect for one person, but not another. Find out which treatment (if any) could free you from glasses and contacts

Take a quiz

Get to know the eye experts

Discover our laser eye surgeons in the heart of Zurich

Dr. Victor Derhartunian
Ophthalmologist, specialist in refractive surgery

Having learned his craft from the two pioneers of laser surgery, Dr. Victor Derhartunian is one of the leading surgeons in Europe. The senior eye surgeon at EyeLaser in Zurich can advise his patients in 5 languages.

Ophthalmologist and eye surgeon

Since 2024, Dr. Valery Lenzt Wittwer joins the EyeLaser Zurich team. He specializes in lens surgery and enables patients to live without cataracts and/or visual defects through cataract surgery and ICL lens implantation.

Learn more
Dr. Victor Derhartunian
Ophthalmologist, specialist in refractive surgery

Having learned his craft from the two pioneers of laser surgery, Dr. Victor Derhartunian is one of the leading surgeons in Europe. The senior eye surgeon at EyeLaser in Zurich can advise his patients in 5 languages.

Ophthalmologist and eye surgeon

Since 2024, Dr. Valery Lenzt Wittwer joins the EyeLaser Zurich team. He specializes in lens surgery and enables patients to live without cataracts and/or visual defects through cataract surgery and ICL lens implantation.

Learn more